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Generate Trust and Revenue using Twitter

July 14, 2009

If you still don’t understand the purpose of using Twitter, here is a short and sweet description:  You have the ability to send a concise ad to the constituency of your choice in 140 characters.  The ad is free – however, don’t place an ad right away.  The best approach to take is to give  in order to get.  Don’t just try and sell right out of the box,  Twitter is just like any other relationship you have to build trust first.

Some pointers:

– Only follow people that interest you

– Start with your friends. Twitter lets you import contacts from your Gmail, Yahoo or AOL e-mail accounts. It will show you which of your contacts have Twitter accounts.

– Make sure you fill in the bio section and provide information about you and what interest you.

– Use Twitter search or other types of search tools that have been developed for Twitter to look for people you want to follow and eventually connect with.

–  Give your time and knowledge for free. Talk about what you are passionate about.  With Twitter you have to prove yourself and build a reputation otherwise no one wants to follow you. You have some expertise that others will find interesting, so be generous with input and courteous.

–  Make sure to thank you’re followers for following you and re-tweet any tweets that you think others will find interesting.

–  Make sure that prospects can find your blog, company with phone number and or email so that they can connect with you.

–  Only accept followers who are relevant.  There are a lot of spammers, so check out the people who are following you and if they don’t fit – block them.  Remember that followers you are looking for may be checking out who follows you and if they see someone that they don’t like you could lose a potential prospect.

– Follow-up with a thank you for any re-tweets

– When you have the followers you want, send them an invitation or request a phone meeting.  If someone likes what you tweet or blog and wants to talk with you – contact them immediately.

– Ask “How can I help you today”

One Comment leave one →
  1. September 4, 2009 6:12 pm

    D techdom: enjoy your tweets. judging from your blog and gig, you might like, rich media mktg, big analytics, small cost.

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